





Course features:


Learning Path

  • What is Vue.js?
  • Benefits and features of Vue.js
  • Installing Vue.js and setting up a development environment
  • Vue CLI (Command Line Interface) and project structure
  • Vue instance lifecycle hooks
  • Creating and using components
  • Props, events, and slots
  • Built-in directives (v-bind, v-if, v-for, v-on)
  • Creating custom directives
  • Using filters for data transformation
  • Setting up routes and navigation in Vue.js
  • Route navigation guards
  • Nested routes and named views
  • Introduction to Vuex for state management
  • State, mutations, actions, and getters
  • Modularizing Vuex store
  • Two-way data binding with forms in Vue.js
  • Handling form submissions and validation
  • Form libraries and best practices
  • Making HTTP requests in Vue.js with Axios
  • Interceptors and error handling
  • Using async/await with Axios
  • Integrating Vue.js with RESTful APIs
  • Consuming data from external APIs
  • Handling CRUD operations with Vue.js
  • Animations and transitions in Vue.js
  • Server-side rendering (SSR) with Vue.js
  • Vue.js performance optimization tips
  • Participants will work on a final project to apply Vue.js concepts
    learned throughout the course.
  • They will develop a complete Vue.js application showcasing their
    proficiency in building dynamic user interfaces and managing application state effectively.