
40 h





Course features:


Learning Path

  • Advanced Architecture Components (4 hours)
    – MVVM Architecture: Implementing Model-View-ViewModel architecture
    – LiveData and StateFlow: Managing UI-related data and state
    – Navigation Component: Advanced navigation patterns and deep linking
  • Dependency Injection (4 hours)
    – Dagger/Hilt: Introduction to dependency injection frameworks
    – Setting up Hilt: Integrating Hilt into an Android project
    – Scoped Dependencies: Managing dependency lifecycles and scopes
  • Retrofit and OkHttp (4 hours)
    – Advanced Retrofit Usage: Custom converters and error handling
    – OkHttp Interceptors: Logging, caching, and modifying requests/responses
    – Paging and Network Bound Resources: Efficient data loading and caching
  • GraphQL (4 hours)
    – Introduction to GraphQL: Understanding GraphQL queries and mutations
    – Apollo GraphQL: Integrating Apollo for GraphQL queries
    – Schema Management: Handling and updating GraphQL schemas
  • Performance Optimization (4 hours)
    – Memory Management: Detecting and fixing memory leaks
    – Threading and Async: Optimizing background tasks and UI responsiveness
    – Profiling Tools: Using Android Profiler and other performance tools
  • Advanced UI/UX Design (4 hours)
    – Complex Animations: Advanced animations using MotionLayout and Property Animations
    – Custom Views and UI Components: Creating reusable and complex custom components
    – Material Design: Implementing advanced Material Design components and theming
  • App Security (4 hours)
    – Data Encryption: Encrypting data at rest and in transit
    – Secure Coding Practices: Preventing common security vulnerabilities
    – Authentication: Implementing OAuth2 and secure authentication mechanisms
  • Advanced Testing Strategies (4 hours)
    – Automated Testing: Advanced unit testing with JUnit and Mockito
    – UI Testing: Using Espresso for complex UI scenarios
    – End-to-End Testing: Setting up and running comprehensive end-to-end tests
  • Platform-Specific Integrations (4 hours)
    – Firebase Advanced Features: Cloud Functions, Remote Config, and Analytics
    – Push Notifications: Implementing FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) with
    advanced use cases
    – In-App Payments: Integrating Google Play Billing
  • Android Jetpack Libraries (4 hours)
    – WorkManager Advanced Usage: Complex scheduling and constraints
    – Paging 3 Library: Handling large data sets and pagination efficiently
    – Datastore: Using Jetpack Datastore for data storage and management
  • Final Project (6 hours)
    – Project Planning: Defining requirements and scope
    – Implementation: Applying advanced concepts and integrating various
    – Code Review and Debugging: Ensuring code quality and resolving issues
  • Course Review and Q&A (2 hours)
    – Review Key Concepts: Recap of advanced topics covered
    – Q&A Session: Addressing questions and providing additional resources