
40 h





Course features:


Learning Path

Week 1: Advanced Swift and Design Patterns:

  • Protocol-oriented programming
  • Metaprogramming
  • Advanced generics
  • Function overloading and polymorphism
  • Higher-order functions
  • Functional composition
  • Immutability and value types
  • Lazy evaluation and performance optimization
  • Manual memory management
  • Advanced ARC concepts
  • Memory profiling and optimization
  • Handling large data efficiently
  • Introduction to SwiftUI
  • Combining SwiftUI with UIKit
  • Building complex UIs with SwiftUI
  • State management in SwiftUI
  • Common design patterns (Singleton, Factory, Observer)
  • Dependency Injection
  • Implementing VIPER architecture
  • Combining patterns for scalable code

Week 2: Advanced User Interfaces and Custom Components:

  • Programmatic Auto Layout
  • Custom layout constraints
  • Adaptive layouts for different devices
  • Performance considerations with Auto Layout
  • Advanced UIView animations
  • Core Animation framework
  • Custom view controller transitions
  • Interactive animations
  • Custom controls and views
  • Drawing with Core Graphics
  • Creating dynamic and reusable UI elements
  • Performance optimization for custom components
  • Custom layouts
  • Advanced diffable data sources
  • Handling large data sets efficiently
  • Asynchronous data loading
  • Gesture recognizer customization
  • Multi-touch and complex gesture handling
  • Combining gestures with animations
  • Gesture conflict resolution

Week 3: Networking, Security, and Performance:

  • Using Combine for networking
  • WebSockets and real-time communication
  • Advanced API handling with REST and GraphQL
  • Networking security best practices
  • Core Data migration strategies
  • Optimizing Core Data performance
  • Advanced querying and fetching
  • Using Realm for local storage
  • Implementing OAuth and authentication
  • Data encryption and decryption
  • Secure communication with SSL/TLS
  • Protecting user privacy and data
  • Using Instruments for performance profiling
  • Memory and CPU optimization techniques
  • Reducing app launch time
  • Best practices for smooth user experience
  • Strategies for offline data management
  • Syncing data with remote servers
  • Conflict resolution and data merging
  • Using background tasks for data syncing

Week 4: Testing, Debugging, and Advanced Deployment:

  • Behavior-driven development (BDD)
  • Writing complex unit tests
  • Integration and system testing
  • Using mock objects and dependency injection for testing
  • Advanced XCUITest techniques
  • Testing animations and transitions
  • Handling asynchronous operations in tests
  • Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines
  • Advanced debugging tools and techniques
  • Analyzing crash logs and symbolication
  • Debugging multi-threaded code
  • Handling common and rare bugs
  • App Store SEO best practices
  • Creating compelling app descriptions and screenshots
  • Managing user reviews and feedback
  • Marketing strategies for app promotion
  • App Store Connect advanced features
  • Beta testing with TestFlight
  • Handling app updates and versioning
  • Post-launch monitoring and analytics