






Course features:

Learning Path

  • Introduction
  • Local and remote repositories
  • Installation of GIT
  • Initialize a GIT repository
  • GIT log

5 hours

  • GIT branches concept
  • Use of GIT branches
  • Why are branches important in GIT
  • GIT merging branches concept
  • Use of different branches in GIT

6.25 hours

• How to initialize remote repositories
• Pushing concept
• How to push to remote repositories
• What is cloning in GIT?
• Cloning remote repositories
• Understanding Pull Requests
• Fetching and Pulling in GIT
• Why merge conflicts occurs and how to resolve those

6.25 hours

• What is rebasing in GIT
• Interactive Rebasing
• Cherry Picking in GIT

5 hours

• Resetting and Reverting in GIT
• Stashing concept and how to use it
• Reflog in GIT

5 hours

• Ansible introduction
• Setup ansible in local environment using few virtual machines
• Install ansible on virtual machines
• Configuration of Ansible on virtual machines

7.5 hours

• Ansible Inventory and its usage
• Ansible Playbooks and Facts
• Configuration files in Ansible
• Ansible Modules such as Packages, Services, Firewall rules, Users and groups etc
• Ansible Variables Precedence, Scope and Register

10 hours

• Install required packages, create static host inventory file, create config file
• Create and distribute SSH keys to managed nodes
• Validate a working configuration using ad-hoc Ansible commands
• Create simple shell scripts that tun ad hoc Ansible commands
• Privilege Escalation in Ansible
• Understanding YAML, its syntax and errors in Playbooks

12.5 hours

• Ansible Conditionals
• Ansible Loops
• Ansible Roles and its creation

5 hours

• Introduction to Terraform
• Introduction to Infrastructure as Code
• Challenges with Traditional IT Infrastructure
• Why Terraform?
• Types of IAC Tools

5 hours

• Installing Terraform
• HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) basics
• Update and destroy infrastructure

5 hours

• Understanding and using Terraform providers
• Use input variables
• Resource attributes and dependencies
• Use of output variables
• Introduction to Terraform state
• Purpose of State and its considerations

6.25 hours

• Terraform commands
• Mutable vs Immutable Infrastructure
• Lifecycle Rules and Data sources in Terraform
• Count and for each
• Version Constraints

6.25 hours

• Getting started with AWS
• Initializing and configuring the AWS Account with Terraform
• Programmatic access and use of IAM
• AWS IAM with Terraform
• AWS EC2 with Terraform
• AWS S3 with Terraform

10 hours

• Introduction to monitoring systems
• Prometheus architecture and components
• Setting up and configuring Prometheus for monitoring applications and infrastructure
• Prometheus Configuration
• Authentication/Encryption
• Metrics in Prometheus

5 hours