
40 h





Course features:


Learning Path

  • Introduction to Android Development (2 hours)
    – Overview of Android platform
    – Android OS versions and distribution
    – Features of Android
  • Setting Up the Development Environment (2 hours)
    – Installing Android Studio
    – Setting up the Android Emulator
    – Overview of the Android Studio interface
  • First Android (2 hours)
    – Creating a new project
    – Project structure
    – Running your first app on an emulator/device
  • Layouts and Views (4 hours)
    – Understanding Views and ViewGroups
    – Commonly used layouts: LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ConstraintLayout
    – Creating and nesting layouts
  • UI Components (4 hours)
    – TextView, EditText, Button, ImageView
    – Handling user input and events
  • Understanding Activities (3 hours)
    – Activity lifecycle
    – Creating and managing multiple activities
    – Passing data between activities
  • Intents and Intent Filters (3 hours)
    – Explicit and implicit intents
    – Using intents to start activities and services
  • SharedPreferences (2 hours)
    – Storing and retrieving simple data
  • SQLite Database (3 hours)
    – Introduction to SQLite
    – Creating and managing databases
    – Performing CRUD operations
  • Room Persistence Library (3 hours)
    – Introduction to Room
    – Creating entities, DAOs, and database
    – Using Room to manage SQLite databases
  • Networking Basics (2 hours)
    – Making HTTP requests
    – Working with APIs
  • Using Retrofit (3 hours)
    – Setting up Retrofit
    – Making network requests
    – Parsing JSON responses
  • Using Volley (3 hours)
    o Setting up Volley
    o Making network requests
    o Handling responses and errors
  • RecyclerView and Adapters (2 hours)
    – Setting up RecyclerView
    – Creating adapters and view holders
    – Handling item clicks
  • Final Project (2 hours)
    – Planning and implementing a simple project
    – Demonstrating and reviewing the project