
40 h





Course features:


Learning Path

Week 1: Introduction to iOS Development:

  • Introduction to iOS Development
    – History and evolution of iOS
    – Overview of the iOS ecosystem
  • Setting up the development environment
    – Installing Xcode
    – Introduction to Xcode interface
    – Creating your first iOS project
  • Introduction to Swift programming language
    – Variables and constants
    – Data types and operators
  • Control Flow
    – If statements
    – Switch statements
    – Loops (for, while)
  • Functions
    – Defining and calling functions
    – Parameters and return values
  • Collections
    – Arrays
    – Dictionaries
    – Sets
  • Introduction to classes and structures
    – Properties and methods
    – Initializers
    – Inheritance
  • Protocols and Delegation
  • Extensions
  • Optionals and Unwrapping

Week 2: Building the User Interface:

  • Introduction to Interface Builder
    – Designing user interfaces with Storyboards
    – Auto Layout basics
    – Creating UI elements (buttons, labels, text fields)
  • View Controllers
    – Lifecycle of a View Controller
    – Segues and Navigation Controllers
  • Table Views
    – Basic table view setup
    – Custom table view cells
  • Understanding MVC (Model-View-Controller)
  • Introduction to Core Data
    – Setting up Core Data in a project
    – Basic CRUD operations
  • Gesture Recognizers
    – Tap, swipe, pinch, and long press gestures
  • Handling user input
    – Text field delegation
    – Keyboard management
  • Introduction to networking in iOS
    – URLSession basics
    – Making API requests
    – Parsing JSON

Week 3: Enhancing the User Experience:

  • Basic animations with UIKit
    – Animating views
    – Transformations and transitions
  • Introduction to Core Graphics
    – Drawing shapes and paths
  • Custom Views
    – Creating reusable custom views
    – XIB files and custom drawing
  • Working with Collection Views
  • Working with images
    – Image View
    – Image Picker Controller
  • Audio and Video
    o Playing audio and video files
    o Using AVFoundation
  • User Defaults
    – Storing and retrieving simple data
  • Keychain Services
    – Storing sensitive information securely
  • Localizing your app
    – Supporting multiple languages
    – Working with localized strings
  • Accessibility
    – Making your app accessible
    – VoiceOver and other accessibility features

Week 4: Final Project and Deployment:

  • Project proposal
    – Defining project requirements
    – Designing the user interface
    – Setting up the project structure
  • Implementing the user interface
  • Setting up data models and controllers
  • Adding features and functionality
  • Integrating networking and data persistence
  • Debugging techniques
    – Using Xcode’s debugger
    – Analyzing and fixing common bugs
  • Writing unit tests
    – Introduction to XCTest framework
  • Preparing for app submission
    – App Store guidelines and best practices
    – Creating app icons and launch screens
  • Submitting to the App Store
    – Creating a developer account
    – App Store Connect
    – App review process