





Upon completion of all three modules, students will have a comprehensive understanding of ethical hacking principles, techniques, and tools, preparing them for the CEH v12 certification exam and real-world ethical hacking challenges.

Learning Path

MODULE 1 - Beginner

Provide a solid foundation in ethical hacking concepts, tools, and methodologies,
focusing on fundamental skills.

  • What is Ethical Hacking?
  • Roles and Responsibilities of an Ethical Hacker
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations
  • Overview of CEH Certification and Objectives
  • Introduction to Footprinting Concepts
  • Passive Reconnaissance Techniques
  • Active Reconnaissance Techniques
  • Tools for Footprinting and Reconnaissance (Whois, Nmap, Maltego)
  • Network Scanning Concepts
  • Types of Scanning (Port Scanning, Vulnerability Scanning)
  • Network Scanning Tools (Nmap, Nessus)
  • Interpreting Scan Results
  • Enumeration Concepts
  • Windows and Linux Enumeration
  • SNMP and LDAP Enumeration
  • Enumeration Tools and Techniques (NetBIOS, SNMPwalk)
  • Introduction to System Hacking
  • Password Cracking Techniques (Brute Force, Dictionary Attacks)
  • Privilege Escalation
  • Covering Tracks and Maintaining Access
  • Types of Malware (Virus, Worms, Trojans, Ransomware)
  • Malware Analysis Basics
  • Anti-Malware Techniques
  • Using Tools like VirusTotal and Sandboxes
  • Footprinting and Reconnaissance on Target Systems
  • Network Scanning and Vulnerability Assessment
  • Basic System Hacking and Privilege Escalation
  • Malware Analysis and Defense

MODULE 2 - intermediate

Build on foundational knowledge with more advanced hacking techniques and
deeper exploration of tools and methodologies.

  • Network Sniffing Concepts
  • Packet Sniffing Tools (Wireshark, tcpdump)
  • MITM Attacks
  • Evasion Techniques (IDS/IPS Evasion)
  • Principles of Social Engineering
  • Phishing and Spear Phishing Attacks
  • Impersonation and Pretexting
  • Tools for Social Engineering (SET, Maltego)
  • DoS and DDoS Attack Concepts
  • Techniques for Performing DoS Attacks
  • Tools for DoS Attacks (LOIC, HOIC)
  • Defense Against DoS Attacks
  • Session Hijacking Concepts
  • Tools for Session Hijacking (Ettercap, Hamster)
  • Exploiting Session Vulnerabilities
  • Defense Techniques
  • Web Application Architecture
  • OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities
  • SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF Attacks
  • Tools for Web Application Hacking (Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP)
  • Wireless Network Concepts
  • Wi-Fi Security Protocols (WEP, WPA/WPA2)
  • Wireless Network Attacks (WPA Cracking, Rogue AP)
  • Tools for Wireless Hacking (Aircrack-ng, Kismet)
  • Network Sniffing and Session Hijacking
  • Conducting Social Engineering Attacks
  • Performing DoS and DDoS Attacks
  • Web Application and Wireless Network Hacking


Equip students with advanced ethical hacking skills, focusing on complex attack
vectors, evasion techniques, and comprehensive security assessments.

  • Techniques for Evading IDS/IPS
  • Firewall Evasion Methods
  • Honeypot Detection and Evasion
  • Tools and Techniques for Evasion (Nmap, Metasploit)
  • Understanding Buffer Overflows
  • Exploiting Buffer Overflows
  • Writing Buffer Overflow Exploits
  • Defense Against Buffer Overflows
  • Cryptography Concepts and Terminology
  • Types of Encryption (Symmetric, Asymmetric)
  • Attacks on Cryptographic Systems (Brute Force, Cryptanalysis)
  • Cryptography Tools (OpenSSL, Hashcat)
  • Mobile Platform Vulnerabilities (Android, iOS)
  • Mobile App Penetration Testing
  • Exploiting Mobile Devices
  • Mobile Security Best Practices
  • Cloud Security Fundamentals
  • Cloud-Specific Attacks (VM Escape, Cloud Malware)
  • IoT Security Challenges
  • Securing Cloud and IoT Environments
  • Advanced Exploitation Techniques
  • Post-Exploitation Strategies
  • Privilege Escalation in Complex Environments
  • Comprehensive Security Assessments
  • Full-Scale Penetration Testing Simulation
  • End-to-End Security Assessment
  • Reporting and Presentation of Findings
    • Peer Review and Feedback