





Upon completion of all three modules, students will have a comprehensive understanding of DevOps principles, practices, and tools, and will be well-prepared to implement DevOps strategies in a professional environment.

Learning Path

MODULE 1 - Beginner

Introduce students to the fundamentals of DevOps, including basic tools,
concepts, and practices.

  • What is DevOps?
  • The History and Evolution of DevOps
  • DevOps Principles and Practices
  • Benefits of DevOps
  • Overview of Common DevOps Tools
  • Setting Up a Development Environment (Linux, Windows)
  • Introduction to Virtualization and Containers (Docker)
  • Version Control with Git and GitHub
  • Introduction to Continuous Integration
  • Setting Up a CI Pipeline
  • Using Jenkins for CI
  • Basic Build Automation (Maven, Gradle)
  • Introduction to Configuration Management
  • Using Ansible for Configuration Management
  • Managing Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Basic Playbook and Roles in Ansible
  • Introduction to Continuous Delivery
  • Setting Up a CD Pipeline
  • Using Jenkins for Continuous Deployment
  • Introduction to Kubernetes for Deployment
  • Importance of Monitoring and Logging
  • Using Prometheus for Monitoring
  • Setting Up Grafana Dashboards
  • Introduction to Log Management (ELK Stack)
  • Setting Up a Simple CI/CD Pipeline
  • Automating Configuration Management with Ansible
  • Deploying Applications with Docker and Kubernetes
  • Basic Monitoring and Logging Setup

MODULE 2 - intermediate

Build on foundational knowledge with more advanced DevOps practices, tools,
and techniques.

  • Advanced Git Techniques (Rebasing, Cherry-Picking)
  • Branching Strategies (GitFlow, Trunk-Based Development)
  • Code Review Practices
  • Managing Git Repositories with GitHub/GitLab
  • Advanced Jenkins Configuration
  • Pipeline as Code (Jenkinsfile)
  • Using CircleCI and Travis CI
  • Blue/Green Deployments and Canary Releases
  • Advanced Ansible Playbooks
  • Using Chef and Puppet for Configuration Management
  • Managing Secrets and Credentials
  • Automating Infrastructure Provisioning with Terraform
  • Deep Dive into Kubernetes Architecture
  • Kubernetes Networking and Storage
  • Managing Kubernetes Clusters
  • Helm for Kubernetes Package Management
  • Overview of Cloud Providers (AWS, Azure, GCP)
  • Deploying Infrastructure on AWS
  • Using AWS Services (EC2, S3, RDS)
  • Introduction to Serverless Computing (AWS Lambda)
  • Introduction to DevSecOps
  • Integrating Security into CI/CD Pipelines
  • Container Security Best Practices
  • Security Tools and Practices (Aqua, Twistlock)
  • Implementing Advanced CI/CD Pipelines
  • Automating Infrastructure with Terraform
  • Deploying and Managing Kubernetes Clusters
  • Setting Up Secure DevOps Pipelines


Prepare students to tackle complex DevOps challenges and implement robust,
scalable DevOps practices in real-world scenarios.

  • Advanced Prometheus and Grafana Usage
  • Performance Tuning and Optimization
  • Using APM Tools (New Relic, Datadog)
  • Setting Up Alerting and Incident Management
  • Designing for Scalability and High Availability
  • Load Balancing and Auto-Scaling
  • Disaster Recovery and Backup Strategies
  • Using CloudFormation and Terraform for Infrastructure Automation
  • Advanced Docker Features and Best Practices
  • Multi-Stage Builds and Optimizing Docker Images
  • Using Kubernetes Operators
  • Service Mesh with Istio
  • Introduction to Microservices Architecture
  • Deploying Microservices with Kubernetes
  • Service Discovery and API Gateway (Consul, Kong)
  • Monitoring and Managing Microservices
  • Advanced AWS, Azure, and GCP Services
  • Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Strategies
  • Serverless DevOps Practices
  • Cloud Cost Management and Optimization
  • Building a DevOps Culture
  • Leading DevOps Transformation
  • Metrics and KPIs for DevOps
  • Case Studies of Successful DevOps Implementations
  • Designing and Implementing a Comprehensive CI/CD Pipeline
  • Deploying and Managing a Scalable, Highly Available Application
  • Integrating Security, Monitoring, and Logging
  • Presenting the Project and Peer Review