
40 h





Course features:


Learning Path

  • Overview of Flutter and its architecture
  • Installation and setup of Flutter development environment
  • Understanding Flutter’s widget tree
  • Introduction to Dart programming language
  • Understanding Stateless and Stateful widgets
  • Creating and using custom widgets
  • Working with layouts: Row, Column, Stack
  • Handling user inputs with forms and text fields
  • Introduction to state management in Flutter
  • Using setState() for local state management
  • Managing state with Provider
  • Introduction to advanced state management: BLoC, Riverpod (overview)
  • Understanding navigation in Flutter
  • Implementing basic navigation: push, pop
  • Navigating with named routes
  • Passing data between screens
  • Designing responsive UIs with MediaQuery and LayoutBuilder
  • Adapting UI for different screen sizes
  • Working with themes and styles
  • Handling orientation changes
  • Introduction to RESTful APIs
  • Fetching data from the web with HTTP
  • Parsing JSON data
  • Persisting data locally with SQLite and Shared Preferences
  • Introduction to animations in Flutter
  • Using built-in animations: Animated Container, Animated Opacity
  • Creating custom animations with Animation Controller
  • Working with Hero animations for screen transitions
  • Writing unit and widget tests
  • Debugging techniques in Flutter
  • Using Flutter DevTools for performance profiling
  • Best practices for code organization and maintainability
  • Preparing the app for release
  • Configuring app icons and splash screens
  • Signing and publishing the app to Google Play Store and Apple App Store
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for Flutter apps