40 h




Django for Python


Course features:


Learning Path

  • Overview of Django
    o Introduction to web frameworks
    o Django’s features and architecture
  • Setting Up the Environment
    o Installing Python and Django
    o Understanding the Django project structure
    o Creating your first Django project
  • Django ORM and Models
    o Introduction to Django ORM
    o Creating and managing models
    o Migrations: creating, applying, and managing
  • Database Integration
    o Connecting Django to databases (SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL)
    o Performing CRUD operations
  • Django Views
    o Understanding Django views
    o Function-based views
    o Class-based views
  • Django Templates
    o Template basics: HTML and Django Template Language (DTL)
    o Using context in templates
    o Template inheritance and filters
  • Working with Forms
    o Django form classes and form validation
    o Processing form data in views
    o Model forms and formsets
  • Handling User Input
    o GET vs POST requests
    o Implementing CSRF protection
  • Django Admin
    o Setting up the admin interface
    o Customizing the admin site
    o Managing users and permissions through admin
  • User Authentication
    o Django’s built-in authentication system
    o Implementing login, logout, and registration views
    o Managing user sessions and permissions

  • Middleware
    o Understanding and creating middleware
    o Using built-in middleware

  • Django Signals
    o Introduction to Django signals
    o Creating custom signals

  • Deploying Django Applications
    o Deployment on popular platforms (Heroku, AWS)
    o Configuring settings for different environments

  • Best Practices
    o Django security best practices
    o Testing Django applications
    o Optimization and performance tuning