





Course features:

Learning Path

  • Introduction to Containers
  • Introduction to Docker
  • Building Container Images
  • Container Registries
  • Running Containers
  • Docker Container Health checks
  • Linking Docker Containers

7.5 hours

  • Why use Docker
  • What is Docker?
  • Docker for Mac/Windows/Linux
  • Using the Docker Client
  • But Really…What a Container?
  • How’s Docker Running on Your Computer?
  • Installing Docker on MacOS
  • Installing Docker with WSL2 on Windows 10 Home and Pro
  • Installing Docker for Windows Professional with HyperV
  • Installing Docker on Linux

10 hours

  • Docker Run in Detail
  • Overriding Default Commands
  • Listing Running Containers
  • Container Lifecycle
  • Restarting Stopped Containers
  • Removing Stopped Containers
  • Retrieving Log Outputs
  • Stopping Containers
  • Multi-Command Containers
  • Executing Commands in Running Containers
  • The Purpose of the IT Flag
  • Getting a Command Prompt in a Container
  • Starting with a Shell
  • Container Isolation

7.5 hours

  • Docker-Compose: What & Why?
  • Creating a Compose File, Diving into the Compose File Configuration
  • Installing Docker Compose on Linux
  • Docker Compose Up & Down
  • Need for Nginx, Running Nginx
  • Multi-Step Docker Builds, Implementing Multi-Step Builds
  • Working with Multiple Containers, adding another Container
  • Building Images & Understanding Container Names
  • Images & Containers
  • Data, Volumes & Networking
  • Introducing Volumes, Combining & Merging Different Volumes
  • A Look at Read-Only Volumes
  • Managing Docker Volumes

12.5 hours

  • Docker Registry
  • Docker Hub, what is it really?
  • Docker hub Registry Alternatives
  • Portus, an Enterprise Docker Registry
  • Docker Swarm
  • Docker Swarm Services
  • Docker Compose vs Docker Stack Deploy
  • Docker Secrets & Configs

12.5 hours

  • Container Orchestration
  • Kubernetes Architecture
  • Introduction to Kubernetes Objects
  • Basic Kubernetes Objects
  • Kubectl CLI
  • Using Kubernetes

10 hours

  • Cluster Installation and configuration
  • Use Kubeadm to install a basic cluster
  • Manage a highly-available Kubernetes cluster
  • Provision underlying infrastructure to deploy a Kubernetes cluster

15 hours

  • Understand deployments and how to perform rolling update and rollbacks
  • Know how to scale applications
  • Understand the primitives used to create robust, self healing, application deployments
  • Understand how resource limits can affect Pod scheduling

15 hours

  • Understand host networking configuration on the cluster nodes
  • Understand connectivity between Pods
  • Understand ClusterIP, NodePort, Load Balancer service types and endpoints
  • Know how to configure and use CoreDNS

10 hours