





Course features:


Learning Path

  • Understanding the basics of generative artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Exploring the potential applications of generative AI in software testing and test automation
  • Overview of key concepts and terminology

4 hours

  • Recap of software testing principles and methodologies
  • Introduction to test automation frameworks and tools
  • Identifying challenges and limitations in traditional software testing approaches

4 hours

  • Introduction to generative AI techniques such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), variational autoencoders (VAEs), and reinforcement learning (RL)
  • Understanding how generative AI models learn and generate data

4 hours

  • Leveraging generative AI for generating synthetic test data
  • Techniques for ensuring data diversity, relevance, and coverage
  • Integration with existing test data management systems

4 hours

  • Automating test case generation using generative AI models
  • Strategies for generating comprehensive and effective test cases
  • Evaluating the quality and relevance of generated test cases

4 hours

  • Introduction to fault injection and mutation testing techniques
  • Using generative AI to simulate and inject faults into software systems
  • Analyzing the impact of injected faults and mutations on system behavior

4 hours

  • Construction of intelligent test oracles using generative AI models
  • Techniques for verifying system behavior and expected outcomes
  • Handling complex and dynamic software environments

4 hours

  • Introduction to reinforcement learning (RL) and its applications in test automation
  • Training RL agents to perform automated testing tasks
  • Case studies and examples of RL-driven test automation solutions

4 hours

  • Identifying common challenges and limitations in applying generative AI to software testing
  • Addressing ethical considerations and biases in generative AI models
  • Strategies for mitigating risks and ensuring reliability

4 hours

  • Best practices for integrating generative AI into software testing workflows
  • Real-world case studies and success stories of organizations adopting generative AI for test automation
  • Lessons learned and recommendations for future implementations

4 hours

  • Hands-on labs and practical exercises for applying generative AI techniques to
    software testing scenarios
  • Guided demonstrations using popular tools and frameworks
  • Opportunities for participants to experiment and explore generative AI in a controlled environment

4 hours

  • Recap of key learnings and takeaways from the course
  • Future directions and emerging trends in generative AI for software testing

4 hours