
40 h





Course features:


Learning Path

  • Advanced Layouts (4 hours)
    – ConstraintLayout deep dive
    – Advanced usage of LinearLayout and RelativeLayout
    – CoordinatorLayout and complex UI design
  • Custom Views (4 hours)
    – Creating custom views
    – Drawing on canvas
    – Handling custom attributes and view interaction
  • Advanced Room Persistence Library (4 hours)
    – Database migrations
    – Relationship between entities
    – Using LiveData with Room
  • Data Binding and ViewModel (4 hours)
    – Introduction to Data Binding
    – Two-way data binding
    – Using ViewModel to manage UI-related data
  • Concurrency with Kotlin Coroutines (4 hours)
    – Introduction to coroutines
    – Using coroutines for background tasks
    – Structured concurrency and coroutine scopes
  • WorkManager and JobScheduler (4 hours)
    – Introduction to WorkManager
    – Scheduling tasks with WorkManager
    – JobScheduler for background tasks
  • Advanced Networking with Retrofit (4 hours)
    – Handling authentication
    – Making asynchronous requests
    – Parsing complex JSON responses
  • App Security (4 hours)
    – Securing API keys
    – Using HTTPS and SSL pinning
    – Storing sensitive data securely
  • Property Animations (4 hours)
    – Animator and AnimatorSet
    – Creating and managing animations
    – Using ObjectAnimator for property animations
  • Transitions and MotionLayout (4 hours)
    – Scene transitions
    – Shared element transitions
    – Introduction to MotionLayout
  • Advanced Testing Techniques (4 hours)
    – Unit testing with JUnit and Mockito
    – UI testing with Espresso
    – Integration and end-to-end testing
  • Final Project (4 hours)
    – Planning and implementing an intermediate-level project
    – Incorporating advanced concepts learned in the course
    – Demonstrating and reviewing the project