40 h




JavaScript Essentials: Beginner to Advanced


Course features:


Learning Path

  • Overview of JavaScript
    o History and evolution of JavaScript
    o Understanding the role of JavaScript in web development
  • Setting Up the Environment
    o Installing Node.js and setting up a code editor
    o Understanding the basics of HTML and CSS integration
  • JavaScript Basics
    o Variables, data types, and operators
    o Control structures: if-else, switch-case
  • o Loops: for, while, do-while
  • Defining Functions
    o Function declaration and expressions
    o Arrow functions
    o Callback functions
  • Scope and Hoisting
    o Global and local scope
    o Hoisting in JavaScript
  • Closures
    o Understanding closures and their applications
    o Practical examples of closures in coding
  • Working with Objects
    o Object creation and manipulation
    o Prototypes and inheritance
    o Understanding the this keyword
  • Arrays in JavaScript
    o Array methods (push, pop, map, filter, reduce)
    o Multidimensional arrays and array manipulation
  • Advanced Object Concepts
    o Object destructuring and spread operator
    o JSON and data interchange
  • Introduction to the DOM
    o Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)
    o Selecting and manipulating DOM elements
    o Handling events: click, hover, etc.
  • Creating Dynamic Content
    o Adding and removing elements dynamically
    o Working with forms and user input
    o Event delegation and bubbling
  • Introduction to Asynchronous JavaScript (6 Hours)
    o Understanding synchronous vs asynchronous code
    o Callbacks, Promises, and async/await
  • Working with APIs
    o Fetch API: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests
    o Handling JSON responses and errors
    o Using third-party APIs in projects
  • ES6+ Features
    o Let, const, and block scope
    o Template literals and tagged templates
    o Modules and the import/export system
  • Error Handling and Debugging
    o Try-catch and error objects
    o Debugging techniques using the browser’s developer tools
  • Regular Expressions
    o Introduction to regular expressions
    o Practical use cases for string pattern matching
  • Introduction to JavaScript Frameworks
    o Overview of popular frameworks: React, Angular, Vue.js
    o Understanding when and why to use a framewor
  • Setting Up a Basic Project
    o Setting up a basic project with one framework (e.g., React)
    o Understanding the basic project structure and components
  • JavaScript Best Practices
    o Writing clean and maintainable code
    o Code organization and modularization
    o Performance optimization tips