
40 h





Course features:


Learning Path

  • Overview of MongoDB (1 hour)
    – Understanding NoSQL databases
    – Introduction to MongoDB
    – Key features and benefits of MongoDB
  • MongoDB Architecture (2 hours)
    – Core concepts: Collections and Documents
    – Data types in MongoDB
    – MongoDB deployment options (standalone, replica sets, sharded clusters)
    – Introduction to BSON
  • Installation and Setup (2 hours)
    – Installation of MongoDB on various platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux)
    – Basic configuration and setup
    – Overview of MongoDB tools (mongo shell, MongoDB Compass)
  • Hands-on Lab: Setting Up MongoDB (2 hours)
    – Installing MongoDB
    – Basic configuration and connectivity
    – Creating and managing databases
  • Basic CRUD Operations (2 hours)
    – Creating databases and collections
    – Inserting documents
    – Querying documents
    – Updating documents
    – Deleting documents
  • Advanced Querying (3 hours)
    – Query operators
    – Projection
    – Sorting and pagination
    – Aggregation framework basics
  • Hands-on Lab: CRUD Operations (3 hours)
    – Performing basic CRUD operations
    – Querying with different operators
    – Using aggregation framework for data analysis
  • Indexing (2 hours)
    – Understanding indexing in MongoDB
    – Creating and managing indexes
    – Types of indexes (single field, compound, multi-key, text, geospatial)
    – Indexing strategies and performance considerations
  • Aggregation Framework (3 hours)
    – Introduction to aggregation framework
    – Stages in aggregation pipelines
    – Common aggregation operations (match, group, project, unwind)
    – Aggregation framework use cases
  • Hands-on Lab: Indexing and Aggregation (3 hours)
    – Creating and managing different types of indexes
    – Building aggregation pipelines
    – Analyzing data with aggregation framework
  • Schema Design (3 hours)
    – Data modeling principles in MongoDB
    – Embedded documents vs. references
    – One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many relationships
    – Schema design best practices
  • Schema Evolution (2 hours)
    – Handling schema changes in MongoDB
    – Strategies for schema migration
    – Tools for schema management
  • Hands-on Lab: Data Modeling (3 hours)
    – Designing schemas for different use cases
    – Implementing relationships between documents
    – Managing schema changes
  • Replication (3 hours)
    – Introduction to replication in MongoDB
    – Setting up replica sets
    – Failover and recovery
    – Read and write concerns in replication
  • Sharding (3 hours)
    – Introduction to sharding
    – Sharding components (shard, mongos, config server)
    – Setting up a sharded cluster
    – Balancing and migrating chunks
  • Monitoring and Performance Tuning (3 hours)
    – Monitoring MongoDB instances
    – Performance tuning strategies
    – Tools for monitoring and optimization (Profiler, Cloud Manager, Ops Manager)
  • Backup and Recovery (2 hours)
    – Backup strategies and tools (mongodump, mongorestore)
    – Point-in-time recovery
    – Automating backups
  • Hands-on Lab: Administration (4 hours)
    – Setting up and managing replica sets
    – Configuring and managing sharded clusters
    – Performance tuning and monitoring exercises
    – Implementing backup and recovery strategies
  • Authentication and Authorization (3 hours)
    – Enabling authentication in MongoDB
    – User management and roles
    – Role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Encryption and Auditing (2 hours)
    – Data encryption at rest and in transit
    – Configuring TLS/SSL
    – Auditing database activities
  • Hands-on Lab: Security (2 hours)
    – Implementing authentication and authorization
    – Configuring encryption
    – Setting up auditing
  • MongoDB with Big Data Technologies (3 hours)
    – Integration with Hadoop and Spark
    – Using MongoDB as a data source for big data processing
  • MongoDB in the Cloud (2 hours)
    – Introduction to MongoDB Atlas
    – Deploying MongoDB on cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP)
    – Cloud-native features and considerations
  • Hands-on Lab: Advanced Topics (3 hours)
    – Integrating MongoDB with big data tools
    – Deploying and managing MongoDB in the cloud
  • Case Studies (2 hours)
    – Real-world applications of MongoDB
    – Customer success stories and use cases
  • Project Work (5 hours)
    – Design and implement a solution using MongoDB
    – Present and discuss project outcomes