
5 days





Course features:



Setup Requirements:

Learning Path

  • Introduction to Python
  • Dynamic Typing
  • Object Types
  • Complex Object Type
  • Operators
  • Unbounded Integers
  • Useful functions
  • type()
  • id()
  • dir()
  • help()
  • chr()
  • unichr()
  • Simple Program Using Basic Python
  • Anaconda Installation
  • Sublime Text Editor
  • Python Project using Eclipse

Basic Language Construct

  • Data types and Variables
  • String type
  • Format method
  • Operators and Expressions
  • Indentation

Data Structures Mutable and Immutable Data Structures

  • List, Subscripting, Nested List
  • Tuple, Use cases
  • String Manipulation
  • Dictionary with Case Study
  • Use Cases and Assignment

Control Structure

  • Indentation
  • if elif else
  • while
  • for ( nested )
  • Use Cases and Assignments


User Define Functions

  • global variable
  • default arguments
  • variable arguments *arg
  • Multiple Variable Default Argument
  • **kwarg
  • Use Case Design Multiplier

Sequence Operation using:

  • lambda
  • filter
  • map
  • reduce
  • sum/max/min
  • set
  • enumerate
  • sorted
  • reversed
  • range

Operation using:

  • List /Tuple Comprehension
  • Dictionary Comprehension
  • Dictionary Use Case

User Define Modules

Import Categories

  • 1) using import
  • 2) using from

Built In Modules

  • 1) math
  • 2) os
  • 3) sys
  • 4) random
  • 5) pickle / Unpickle (Object Serialization)
  • 6) json etc

Object Oriented Programming

  • Classes and Objects
  • The “self” keyword
  • Methods and Attributes
  • Constructor and Destructor
  • Instance and static member
  • Class Inheritance
  • Built In Attributes
  • __private
  • public
  • _protected
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Locking Attributes
  • Super keyword
  • Files Objects and Methods
  • open()
  • read(), readlines()
  • write(), writelines()
  • tell()
  • using with statements
  • Use Case using File Handling
  • Exception Handling
  • Built in Exceptions
  • exceptions module
  • User Define Exceptions
  • Regular expressions
  • Pattern Writing
  • Compiling
  • Match/Search
  • Group/Groups
  • findall
  • re.sub
  • re.split
  • Use Case using Regular Expression and Pattern

File and Directory handling

  • 1) Fileinput
  • 2) glob
  • 3) Regular Expression
  • 4) Case Study for Extraction of Data from Multiple Files and Generating Reports

Itertools and Collections framework

  • imap/ ifilter /izip


file iteration using map

Overriding iterator functions


  • yield
  • Use Case of yield
  • Testing
  • Testing Fundamental
  • Types of Testing
  • Unittest Framework
  • Run Test
  • Write Unittest.TestCase for Python
  • Code
  • Python Debugging and Testing
  • Use of pdb
  • Calling pytest through python
  • py.test
  • py.test –pdb
  • PyTest Hands On
  • Conclusion and Summary