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Course features:
- Practical hands on
- Lab sessions
- Training by experienced faculty
- Java Programming , Advance Java Programming, MVC Framework
Lab Setup:
- Hardware: One PC/Laptop per participant with minimum 8GB RAM
- 100 GB Hard drive space
Software Requirements:
- Host OS: Ubuntu20.0 / Windows 11
- Java11
- https://www.oracle.com/in/java/technologies/javase/jdk11-archive-downloads.html
- Scala 3.x
- https://www.scala-lang.org/download/
- IntelliJ IDE Community Edition
- https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/?section=windows
- Sublime Text Editor
- https://www.sublimetext.com/3
- Visual Studio Code
Learning Path
- Day 1
- Scala History
- Scala Features
- Scala Hello Program
- Variable and Data Type
- Type Inference
- Scala Comments
- Conditional
- Expressions
- Scala While Loop
- for Loops
- The foreach method
- Using for and foreach with Maps
- for (enumerators) yield example
- Scala Break Statement
- Scala Array
- Multidimensional Array
- Scala Tuples
- Scala Tuple Example
- Scala List
- Scala List Example
- Scala String
- Scala String Methods
- Scala String Interpolation
- Lists and Tuples
- Dictionaries
- Series
- DataFrame
- Panel
- Basic Functionality
- Day 2
- User Define Functions
- Recursion
- Call-by-Name and Call-by-Value
- Default and Named Arguments
- Scala Object and Classes
- Singleton and Companion Object
- Scala Constructors
- Scala Method Overloading
- Scala Inheritance
- Scala Method Overriding
- Scala Field Overriding
- Scala Abstract Class
- Why Scala Abstract Classes?
- Usage of Abstract classes
- Scala Trait Class
- Scala Trait Mixins
- Scala Access Modifiers
- Case Classes & Objects
- Case Class example
- Anonymous Classes
- Anonymous Class Example
- Generic class example
- Mind-Map Summary and Conclusion
- Day 3
- Matching on case classes
- Scala Exception Handling
- Scala Try Catch Block
- Scala Finally Block
- Scala Throw keyword
- Scala Throws keyword
- Scala Custom Exception
- Higher Order Functions
- Pure Functions
- Examples of pure functions
- Examples of impure functions
- Functional Concurrent Programming
- Implicits
- Introductions to Implicits
- Organizing Implicits
- Mind-Map Summary and Conclusion
- Day 4
- Introduction
- Module Outline
- What We Will Build
- History of Play!
- Philosophy
- Technologies
- Summary
- Introduction
- Downloading Play!
- The Play Command
- Compiling and Hot Deploy
- Testing
- IDE’s
- Project Structure
- Configuration
- Error Handling
- Summary
- Introduction
- The Router
- Router Mechanics
- Routing Rules
- Play! Routes
- Play! Routes: HTTP Verbs
- Play! Routes: The Path
- Play! Routes: The Action Call
- Routing in Action
- Summary
- Introduction
- Controllers
- Actions
- Results
- Session and Flash Scope
- Request Object
- Implementing the Contacts Stub Controller
- Summary
- Day 5
- Introduction
- Play! Views
- Static Views
- Passing Arguments
- Iteration
- Conditionals
- Partials and Layouts
- Accessing the Session Object
- The Asset Route
- Play Project and Assignment
- Mind-Map Summary and Conclusion