You should own these skills to excel in today’s job market

No matter what field you choose, having specific career skills can increase your likelihood of success. Determining which skills are most in-demand can be helpful as you select a career path.

To help you remain a competitive job candidate, here is a mix of hard and soft skills you should know, as compiled from Indeed

  1. Sales

Sales have been the backbone for companies, which means having sales leadership experience will give you opportunities in many different industries. Sales leadership is the ability to close business deals and coach others. Outstanding sales leaders are strategic, looking at the overall view of an issue and identifying patterns to be improved or areas of opportunity to boost revenue. Critical characteristics of high-performing sales leaders include excellent communication skills, the ability to motivate, a drive to achieve results and skills in coaching and team building.

2. Analysis 

Companies look for employees who are great at investigating a problem and finding the ideal solution efficiently and promptly. That’s why people with strong analytical skills are in high demand in many industries. Analytical skills refer to your ability to understand and analyze a problem or situation and decide what actions to take next. Developing this skill not only helps improve your work but also helps you achieve company goals.

3. Mobile app development

The industry for mobile application development continues to grow as mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets become the center of communication and work. Business and technological development have emerged at an impressive pace, resulting in an increased demand for people with experience in app development.

Mobile app development is a set of processes and procedures involving programming and creating applications or software for fast-operating mobile devices. To learn how to develop a mobile app, you’ll need a few specific skills, such as coding and light graphic design. Because mobile apps are so common, you can find many tutorials or guides for app creation. You can check out coding boot camps to start your app development skills.

4. People management

People management includes the use of both hard and soft skills. If you haven’t been in a management position before but are looking to enter one, try to focus on improving the softer sides of the craft, such as dealing with work stress, clear communication and empathizing with your team. Developing these skills will help demonstrate that you can successfully manage a team.

5. Industrial design

Industrial design is the professional practice of designing products, such as cars and smartphones, used by millions of consumers worldwide. Most products undergo multiple design iterations before they reach the market. These product iterations typically involve several decisions on design and function. Employers usually need the skills of an industrial designer during these steps. Industrial designers focus on the functionality and appearance of a product, though they are typically involved in far more during the development process.

6. Creativity

Creativity is one of the essential skills you can develop in the workplace. Being creative means, you can devise new ways to perform tasks, meet challenges and solve problems. This way of thinking can help companies move in more productive directions. Thus, creative employees are valuable to a company.

You can develop creative thinking skills through recreation, being aware of your assumptions and solving riddles. Recreational activities include anything relaxing and unstructured, such as walking or reading. If you know a highly creative person, try to ask them for an informational interview or ask to shadow them at their job for a couple of days. This can help you learn to be more creative yourself.

7. Collaboration

Almost every type of job requires at least some teamwork at certain points. This makes collaboration an essential skill in most sectors of the professional world. Collaboration refers to working with others to produce or create something. This skill allows you to engage with others efficiently and productively.

Building collaboration means building trust. People who are effective at building trust know how to understand a variety of viewpoints, manage priorities from everyone on the team and quickly meet expectations as a reliable members of a team. Successful collaboration entails mutual respect and a cooperative spirit. Companies usually look for employees that work effectively as part of a team and are willing to balance personal achievement with the team’s goals.

8. Animation

Demand for animators is increasing due to the growing need for visual effects in television, movies, video games and online outlets. Animation skills are most commonly required for creative and technical occupations, such as computer software engineers, multimedia artists, graphic designers and web developers.

9. Journalism

Digital journalism skills are in high demand for many roles that previously required a person to understand traditional reporting skills such as writing, interviewing and researching. While journalists are still required to research and report stories, they will need to deliver updates via social media and capture and edit photos and videos before, during and after filing news reports.

10. Audio and video editing

Audio production is becoming a more valuable skill in various fields. While radio, music and entertainment are the most common industries that utilize audio production skills, you may also find jobs in large companies producing marketing materials and advertisements. While audio production usually requires a lot of training, many online resources can help you learn the basics. You will need a computer, a good microphone and software for recording and editing.

While video production usually requires a more in-depth education, you don’t have to go back to college to learn the basics. You can learn video editing at home with a camera, a computer, a good microphone and video editing software. Many professionals use paid applications, but you can choose from several free programs if you’re starting.




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